New horizons are opening up for your future business
Comas is glad to announce that a pilot “Recon Line” will be available for trials at G.D Richmond (USA) in the coming weeks.
With this line, designed to make samples starting from different raw materials like tobacco, hemp and botanicals, it is possible to test any recipes and bring to market new and innovative reconstituted products.
This lab equipment allows customers to achieve a uniform laminated sheet firstly through the raw material drying process, thanks to which is possible to lower the moisture to the required set point.
Then, the dried product is grinded through a hammer mill and sieved to remove off-spec particles. At this stage, the dough is obtained by adding water, glycerine, and binder to the powder as per specific recipes. After that, the dough is manually loaded on the flattener to achieve a uniform sheet of the desired thickness.
The sheet is now dried in a microwave oven to obtain the final sample. If required, the product can be shredded in strips of the required size.
Analysis on humidity, density and tensile strength of the final product can also be performed thanks to laboratory instruments available at R&D plant.
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