A1 series (Cutter)

Tobacco strips and stems cutting machine.

Basic Info

  • TECHNOLOGY: Cutting
  • INDUSTRY: Tobacco
  • SEGMENT: Molasses, Tobacco Cut Rag


COMAS has developed and supplies the most advanced cutter in the market place, having a dual purpose Cutter model A1 that is compatible to cut both Lamina or Stems by simple selection of the required parameters through the HMI control system.
The A1 cutter is superior in design and operation to other machines and will provide you consistently with a first class cut, every time.
The COMAS cutter is suitable for capacities of up to 15,000 kg/h of Lamina, based on a width of cut of 0.85mm and 3,000 kg/h of Stems based on a cut width of 0.19mm.Our cutter has been designed and developed to provide you with the ultimate cutting option that gives you an enhanced superior cut product, reduced pull outs, ease of operation, maintenance and cleaning, improved consumables lifetime, all at a very competitive price, using the most advance mechanical and electronic technologies available.
The COMAS A1 cutter has the following advantages:

  • Consistent geometrical relationship for the drum to the cutting face
  • Low mouth pressure
  • Dual purpose for cutting Lamina/Stems
  • User friendly operator interface (HMI)
  • Rapid replacement of consumables (knife and grindstones)
  • Extended life of knives and grindstones due to being able to store multi-blend cutting parameters
  • Side sliding cutting head provides ease of operation, cleaning and maintenance
  • Efficient heating of the rotary cutting drum
  • Efficient dust and grit extraction, with no internal contamination
  • Computerised memory storage for knife and grindstone feed positions, to assist with planning replacement schedules and also providing for automatic repositioning of the newly installed consumables.
  • Ease of cleaning, with exceptional access, complete with a small particle collection band conveyor
  • Each cutter is supplied with its own dust collection filter
Every A1 cutter is manufactured to the highest specification and offers a superior cut quality for all your products.​